function UserManagement() { this.UserIdMin = "The user ID must be at least 6 characters long."; this.UserIdMax = "The user name cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.PassMin = "The password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.PassMax = "The password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.ConfPass = "The confirm password must be same as password."; this.userAddError = "An error occurred while adding the user."; this.AuthError = "An error occurred during the login. Try again later, error:"; this.userDel = "User deleted."; this.atleastOneUser = "Select at least one user to delete."; this.atleastOneRole = "Select at least one role to delete."; this.roleDeleted = "Role Deleted."; this.userDeleted = "User Deleted."; this.deleteUserConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this User?"; this.deleteRoleConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Role?"; this.UserPwdMinLength = "Password must have at least 6 characters."; this.UserPwdMaxLength = "Password can contain up to 30 characters."; this.confirmPassword = "The confirm password must be same as password."; this.enable = "Enabled"; this.disable = "Disabled"; this.unknown = "Unknown"; this.never = "Never"; this.addUserHelpLink = "CreateUser.htm"; this.manageUserHelpLink = "ManageUsrs.htm"; this.editUserHelpLink = "EditUser.htm"; this.addRoleHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.editRoleHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.requiredUserId = "The user ID cannot be blank."; this.invalidEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.EmailAlreadyExist="E-mail already exist"; this.requiredEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.requiredPassword = "Enter your password."; this.invalidDate = "Specify a valid date."; this.requiredExpiresOn = "The Expires On input cannot be blank."; this.deleteUserHdr= "Delete User"; this.DeletingRecipientfailed="Deleting Recipient failed"; this.AddingUserFailed="Adding User failed"; this.AddingEmailFailed="Adding E-mail failed"; this.alertsFailed="Updating Alerts failed"; this.expireson="Expires On";"Like"; this.createUser="Create User"; this.editUser="Edit User"; this.NotValidId="Not valid id"; this.OldPasswordNotCorrect="The old password is not correct."; this.ErrorWhileChangingPwd="Encountered an error while modifying the password."; this.userId="User ID"; this.expireson="Expires On"; this.eMail="E-mail"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.errorPer="Percentage cannot be greater then 100."; } function CommonMessages(){ this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.showing = "Showing"; this.invalidDate ="Specify date in MM-DD-YYYY format."; = "Save"; this.cancel = "Cancel"; this.edit = "Edit"; this.disabled="Disabled"; this.enabled="Enabled"; this.enable="Enable"; this.disable="Disable"; this.unableToDel="Unable to Delete"; this.errorDescriptionLength="The description must not exceed 510 characters."; this.selectNamespace="Select a Product Group"; this.totalRecords = "Total Records:"; this.unableToSave = "Failed to save the data."; this.notValidSearch = "The input search is not valid."; this.deleteFtr = "Delete"; this.remove = "Remove"; this.invalidMessage = "The value provided is not valid."; this.remove = "Remove"; this.autoCompleteMaxRecords = "25"; this.invalidCustomer = "The customer name is not valid."; this.copy = "Copy"; this.AllUser="All Users"; this.noModule="Insufficient user rights. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.incorrectLogin="The user name or password is incorrect. Please try again."; this.contactAdminstrator="Access to your user account has been restricted. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.accountExpiredContactAdminstrator="Your user account has expired. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.yes = "Yes"; = "No"; this.savingError = "An error occurred while saving the data."; this.maxDate = "2500-12-31"; this.neverExpires = "Unlimited"; this.noLimit = "No Limit"; this.NUM_SERVERS="Number of servers cannot be greater than"; this.NUM_CLIENT_LOCKED="Number of client locked cannot be greater than"; this.VENDOR_NUM_OF_SECRETS="Number of vendor secrets cannot be greater than"; this.cannotBeGreaterThan="cannot be greater than"; this.enable="Enable"; this.disable="Disable"; this.UserIdMin = "The user ID must be at least 6 characters long."; this.deleteCnfmMsgHdr = "Are you sure?"; this.UserIdMax = "The user name cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.PassMin = "The password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.PassMax = "The password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.ConfPass = "The confirm password must be same as password."; this.userAddError = "An error occurred while adding the user."; this.AuthError = "An error occurred during the login. Try again later, error:"; this.userDel = "User deleted."; this.atleastOneUser = "Select at least one user to delete."; this.atleastOneRole = "Select at least one role to delete."; this.roleDeleted = "Role Deleted."; this.userDeleted = "User Deleted."; this.totals = "Total"; this.userTblHeading = "Users"; this.roleTblHeading = "Roles"; this.namespaceTblHeading = "Product Groups"; this.productTblHeading = "Products"; this.featureTblHeading = "Features"; this.cstrTblHeading = "Customers"; this.contTblHeading = "Contacts"; this.lmTblHeading = "License Models"; this.detailsOf = "Details of"; this.areYouSure= "Are you sure?"; this.customReportHeading = "Custom Reports"; this.customReportQueryNotBlank = "Query cannot be blank"; "Name"; this.noRecordFound= "No records found."; this.deleteCustomReportConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Custom Report?"; this.IncompleteLicense = "The license string is incomplete. Enter the complete license string."; this.addCustomReportHelpLink = "CustomReport.htm#Creating"; this.editCustomReportHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.pleaseUploadJasperFile= "Please upload the jasper file"; this.pleaseSelectJasperFile= "Please select the jasper file"; this.templateUploaded= "Report template uploaded successfully"; this.status = "Status"; this.reqrdFieldNotBlank= "Required field, value cannot be blank"; this.lngthCannotBGreatrThan= "Length cannot be greater than"; this.unableToCompare= "Unable to compare,no object with name"; this.incorrectFormName= "Incorrect form name!"; this.uriNotSpecified= "uri not specified!"; this.regularExpressionDidNotMatch= "Regular Expression did not match."; this.exists= "exists."; this.shouldBeSameAs= "should be same as"; this.pageSize= "Page Size"; "Page"; this.JrxmlCompile= "Error in compiling Jrxml for the reason: {0}"; this.SubmissionFailed= "Submission failed"; this.masterBatchCode= "Batch Code"; this.close= "Close"; this.notValidValue= "The value entered is not valid."; this.invalidTime = "Specify a valid time."; this.anErrorOccurred= "An Error Occurred"; this.expires="expires"; this.Delete="Delete"; this.of="of"; this.JSONParsefailed="JSON Parse failed"; this.reportFormat= "Report Format"; this.reportId="Report ID"; this.actions="Actions"; this.type="Type"; this.createdOn="Created On"; this.selectAll="Select All"; this.ftrExcludable="Excludable?"; this.loading = "Loading"; this.sortAsc= "Click to sort ascending"; this.sortDesc= "Click to sort descending"; "Help"; this.perpetual= "Perpetual"; this.timePeriod= "Time Period"; this.executionCnt= "Execution Count"; this.expDate= "Expiration Date"; this.dataLoad= "Please wait until the data is fully loaded."; this.modification= "Modification"; this.Provisional= "Provisional"; this.Cancellation= "Cancellation"; this.blankLength= "Length cannot be left Blank"; this.LICENSE_TYPE= "License Type"; this.ENABLE_CONCURRENCY= "Concurrency Enable"; this.CONCURRENT_INSTANCES= "Concurrent Instances"; this.COUNT_CRITERIA= "Count Each"; this.Accessibility= "Accessibility"; this.REMOTE_DESKTOP_ACCESS= "Remote Desktop"; this.NETWORK_ENABLED= "Network Enabled"; this.EXECUTION_COUNT= "Executions"; this.MAXIMUM_USAGE_LIMIT= "Executions"; this.EXPIRATION_DATE= "Expiration Date"; this.TIME_PERIOD= "Number of days"; this.DETACHABLE= "Detachable"; this.VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ACCESS= "Virtual Machine"; this.C2V= "C2V"; this.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_REQUEST= "Acknowledgement Request"; this.PROVISIONAL_FLAG= "Provisional Flag"; this.ENFORCEMENT_TYPE= "Enforcement Type"; this.MEMORY_DATA= "Memory Data"; this.REHOST_ALLOWED= "Rehost Allowed"; this.CLEAR_BEFORE_APPLYING_UPDATE= "Clear before applying update"; this.UPGRADE_DL_KEY_ALLOWED= "Upgrade DL key allowed"; this.login= "Login"; this.Process= "Process"; this.Station= "Station"; this.USAGE_TYPE = "Usage Type"; this.START_DATE = "Start Date"; this.END_DATE = "End Date"; this.MEASUREMENT_UNIT_USAGE = "Measurement Unit(Usage)"; this.MEASUREMENT_UNIT_DURATION = "Measurement Unit(Duration)"; this.VENDOR_ATTRIBUTE = "Vendor Attribute"; this.GRACE_LIMIT = "Grace Limit"; this.count = "Count"; this.time = "Time"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.productId="Product ID"; this.rehost="Rehost"; this.lockType="Lock Type"; this.COUNTING_TYPE="Counting Type"; this.CONCURRENT_LIMIT="Concurrent Limit"; this.countingTypePerLogin="Per Login"; this.countingTypePerStation="Per Identity"; this.countingTypePerIdentity="Per identity per station "; this.byvendors="Batch Codes"; this.CanBeExcluded="Can be excluded"; this.AlwaysIncluded="Always included"; this.expand = "expand"; this.collapse = "Collapse"; this.added = "Added"; this.subtracted = "Subtracted"; this.set = "Set"; this.version = "Version"; this.protectionType = "Protection Type"; this.All = "All"; this.None = "None"; this.Perpetual = "Perpetual"; this.lblNA = "NA"; } function EntitlementMessages(){ this.addNew = "ADD NEW"; this.entitlementDetailsFor= "Entitlement Details for"; this.dateTimeNotSync = "Provide both date and time or leave both fields blank."; this.saveEntitlementError= "An error occurred while saving the entitlement details."; this.entState="EntState"; this.entStateDraft ="Draft"; this.entStateComplete ="Complete"; this.entStateDeployed ="Deployed"; this.entStateDisabled ="Disabled"; this.selectEntitlement ="Select at least one entitlement to delete."; this.selectTestEntitlement ="Select at least one test entitlement to delete."; this.unableToDeleteEntitlement = "Cannot delete the entitlement."; this.unableToDeleteTestEntitlement = "Cannot delete the test entitlement."; this.testEntitlementDeleted = "Successfully deleted the test entitlement(s)."; this.unableToCopyEntitlement = "Unable to copy the entitlement."; this.unableToCopyTestEntitlement = "Unable to copy the test entitlement."; this.entStartDateValidation = "The start date cannot be later than the end date."; this.lineItemValidEndDate = "Specify a valid end date."; this.entCreditValidation ="The credit must be greater than zero."; this.entRehostValidation ="Rehost allowed must be greater than zero."; this.entRevokeValidation = "Revocation allowed must be greater than zero."; this.entEmailValidation = "Specify a valid e-mail for the entitlement."; this.days ="(days)"; = "(day)"; this.entRechargeAmountValidation ="The recharge amount must be greater than zero."; this.entRenewAmountValidation = "The start date cannot be later than the renew date."; this.entLineItemSaveError = "An error occurred while saving the line item details."; this.entNoEntitlementFound = "No entitlement found."; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.selectLineItemToDelete = "Select at least one line item to delete."; this.errorDeleteLineItem = "An error occurred while deleting a line item."; this.errorSaveLineItem = "An error occurred while saving the line item details."; this.lineItemValidCost ="Specify valid cost."; this.lineItemValidEndDate = "Specify a valid end date."; this.lineItemValidStartDate ="Specify a valid start date."; this.invalidLineItem="The line item ID is not valid. Cannot update data."; this.invalidEntitlementId ="The EID is not valid. Cannot update data."; this.invalidDate ="Specify date in MM-DD-YYYY format."; this.enterLineItemEndDate = "Specify the product end date."; this.enterLineItemStartDate ="Specify the product start date."; this.enterLineItemCost="Specify the product cost."; this.lineItemStateDraft ="Draft;"; this.lineItemStateComplete ="Complete;"; this.lineItemStateDeployed ="Deployed;"; this.activationStateChangeError="An error occurred while modifying the activation state.jsVar.edit = Edit"; this.errorSendMail="Unable to send an e-mail message."; this.generateLicenseConfirmation="Are you sure you want to generate a license?"; this.edit = "Edit"; this.totalRecords = "Total Records:"; this.activate= "Activate"; = "Save"; this.cancel = "Cancel"; this.previousActivation= "Previous Activation"; this.entitlementDetails= "Entitlement Details"; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.change = "Change"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.enforcement = "Enforcement"; this.version = "Version"; this.licenseModel = "License Model"; this.featureId = "Feature ID"; this.loading = "Loading"; this.contactSelect = "Select at least one contact."; this.invalidCustomer = "The customer name is not valid."; this.pleaseSelectProduct = "Select a product."; this.pleaseSelectNumberOfActivations = "Select the number of activations"; this.pleaseSelectActivationCost = "Select activation cost"; this.productAlreadyPartOfEntitlement = "This product is already a part of an entitlement."; this.productKey="Product Key" this.keyId="Key ID" this.keyName="Key Name" this.pleaseSelectProductSuite = "Select a product suite."; this.LicenseModelNotSelectedForAllSelectedFeatures = "License model not selected for one or more features."; this.productSuiteAlreadyPartOfEntitlement = "This product suite is already a part of an entitlement."; this.yes = "Yes"; = "No"; this.selectExistingContactEmail = "Select existing contact"; this.savingError = "An error occurred while saving the data."; this.maxDate = "2500-12-31"; this.neverExpires = "Unlimited"; this.never = "Never"; this.permanent = "Permanent"; this.activationNotAllowed = "Activation not allowed."; this.noContactActivationNotAllowed = "No contact associated. Activation not allowed."; this.revoke = "Revoke"; this.standalone = "Stand-alone"; = "Network"; this.unableToSave = "Failed to save the data."; this.viewPreviousActivations = "View Previous Activations"; this.noAttributesFound = "No licensing attributes found."; this.featureNameAndVersion = "Feature Name and Version"; this.productNameAndVersion = "Product Name and Version"; this.product = "Product"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.ver = "Ver."; this.CLIENT_1_CRITERIA = "Client 1 criteria (in hex)"; this.CLIENT_1_INFO = "Client 1 info"; this.relicense ="Show License"; this.previousRevocations ="Previous Revocations"; this.pleaseSelectEitherPrdOrSuite="Select a Product or suite for the selected Product Group."; this.configure = "Configure"; this.requiredAttributeName="Invalid or blank attribute value."; this.pleaseOnAtleastOneFeature="Allow at least one feature"; this.errorDefaultException = "An internal error occurred. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.renewConfirm= "Do you want to Renew Entitlement?"; this.areYouSure= "Are you sure?"; this.deleteEntConfirm= "Do you want to delete Entitlement?"; this.remainingQuantityZeroLineItem = "Activation not allowed as remaining quantity is 0 for one of the line item selected."; this.selectLineItem = "Select line item to activate"; this.selectOneLineItem = "Select one line item"; this.selectOneLineItemRevoke = "Select one line item to revoke"; this.selectOneLineItemRenew = "Select one line item to renew"; this.quantity="Quantity"; this.remainingQuantity="Remaining Activations"; this.outOf="out of"; this.unlimited="Unlimited"; this.multiple="Multiple"; this.EID="EID"; this.RID="RID"; this.AID="AID"; this.Entitlements="Entitlements";"Total";"Page"; this.of="of"; this.startDate="Start Date"; this.endDate="End Date";"Date"; this.customerName = "Customer Name"; this.status = "Status"; this.attributesList = "Attributes List"; this.EntitlementCertificate = "Entitlement Certificate"; this.entitlementOf = "Entitlement of"; this.lineItemFeaturesHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.rechrgNotAllowdforUnlimitedQuantity = "Recharge is not allowed for line item having unlimited quantity"; this.areYouSureYouWantToCommit = "Do you want to move this entitlement into queue?"; this.commitEntitlement = "Queue Entitlement"; this.noProductsSelected= "No products selected"; this.editEntitlment= "Edit Entitlement"; this.editCloudEntitlment= "Edit Cloud Entitlement"; this.copyEntitlment= "Copy Entitlement"; this.copyCloudEntitlment= "Copy Cloud Entitlement"; this.newEntitlment= "+ New Entitlement"; this.newLDKEntitlment= "New On-premise Entitlement"; this.newCLOUDEntitlment= "New Cloud Entitlement"; this.activationNotAllowedContactNotFound= "You cannot activate this entitlement. The user registration is mandatory."; this.generateLicense= "Generate License"; this.previousActivations= "Previous Activations"; this.invalidRechargeQuantity= "Recharge value provided is not valid."; this.entLicenseModelSAOT= "License terms have not been specified for one or more Features"; this.entLicenseModelAttrSAOT= "License terms attribute have not been specified for one or more features"; this.requiredStartDate= "The start date cannot be blank."; this.requiredEndDate= "The end date cannot be blank."; this.invalidDate= "The date is not valid."; this.requiredQuantity= "Quantity cannot be blank or 0"; this.invalidQuantity= "Please enter valid quantity."; this.requiredNumberOfKeys= "Number of Keys cannot be blank or 0"; this.invalidNumberOfKeys= "Invalid Number of Keys provided. Please provide a valid (greater than 0) value."; this.requiredNumberOfUpdates= "Number of Updates cannot be blank or 0"; this.invalidNumberOfUpdates= "Invalid Number of Updates provided. Please provide a valid (greater than 0) value."; this.manageEntitlementHelpLink = "ManageEnt.htm"; this.addEntitlementHelpLink = "CreateEnt.htm"; this.addCloudEntitlementHelpLink = "CreateEntCloud.htm"; this.locateSentinelKeysHelpLink = "LocateProtectionKeys.htm"; this.locatedSentinelKeysHelpLink = "LocateProtectionKeys.htm#2"; this.locateCloudKeysHelpLink = "LocateCloudKeys.htm"; this.locateProvisioningContainerKeys = "ModPC.htm#LOCATE"; this.locatedCloudKeysHelpLink = "LocateCloudKeys.htm#2"; this.entSearchCustomerHelpLink = "54.htm"; this.entSearchChannelPartnerHelpLink = "55.htm"; this.editEntitlementHelpLink = "EditEnt.htm"; this.editCloudEntitlementHelpLink = "EditEnt.htm"; this.copyEntitlementHelpLink = "CopyEnt.htm"; this.copyCloudEntitlementHelpLink = "CopyEntCloud.htm"; this.generateLicenseHelpLink = "GenerateV2CtoActivate.htm"; this.prevActHelpLink = "PrevActivations.htm"; this.configureLMHelpLink = "DefLicTerm.htm"; this.configureCloudLMHelpLink = "DefLicTermCloud.htm"; this.SPETLabel = "Specify at entitlement time"; this.configureLicenseModel = "Configure License Terms"; this.licenseTerms = "License Terms"; this.HASPUpdate= "Protection Key Update"; this.sentinelKeysnotequaltoUpdates="Located Sentinel Keys not equal to Number of Updates"; this.noProductsAdded="No products added"; this.locateSentinelKeys="Locate Sentinel Keys"; this.locatedSentinelKeys="Located Sentinel Keys"; this.locateCloudKeys="Locate Provisioning Container Keys"; this.locatedCloudKeys="Located Provisioning Container Keys"; this.unabletoload="Unable to load"; this.totalQuantity="Total Quantity"; this.entitlementId="Entitlement ID"; this.completeProductKey="Complete Product Key"; this.remaining="Remaining"; this.queued="Queued"; this.revoked="Revoked"; this.disabled="Disabled"; this.enabled="Enabled"; this.produce="Product Keys Generated"; this.draft="Draft"; this.completed="Completed"; this.produced="Produced"; this.acknowledged="Acknowledged"; this.HASP_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel LDK"; this.CLOUD_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel Cloud"; this.onlyOneProduct = "Select only one Product."; this.atleastOneProduct = "Select at least one product to proceed."; this.errorOnSession = "An error occurred while getting current session data."; this.HLKey = "Sentinel HL Keys"; this.productKey="Product Key"; this.errorLockingType= "You cannot mix HL- and SL-type Products in an Entitlement."; this.errorKeyID= "The key is already selected."; this.duplicateUserID= "The Identity already exists."; this.countUserID= "Number of Identities cannot be greater than"; this.wsCustMissingName= "Customer name is missing"; this.IdentityName="Identity cannot be blank."; this.IdentityCount="Identity Count cannot be blank."; this.IdentityNameSelect="Select Identity to Remove. "; this.invalidIdentity="Invalid identity." this.toolTipHLKeyDisabled = "HL Keys (Disabled)"; this.toolTipHLKeyEnabled = "HL Keys (Enabled)"; this.toolTipProductKeyDisabled = "Product Keys (Disabled)"; this.toolTipProductKeyEnabled = "Product Keys (Enabled)"; this.toolTipProtectionKeyDisabled = "Protection Key Update (Disabled)"; this.toolTipProtectionKeyEnabled = "Protection Key Update (Enabled)"; this.toolTipNammedDisabled = "Named (Disabled)"; this.toolTipNammedEnabled = "Named (Enabled)"; this.toolTipNammedRevoked = "Named (Revoked)"; this.toolTipUnnammedDisabled = "Unnamed (Disabled)"; this.toolTipUnnammedEnabled = "Unnamed (Enabled)"; this.toolTipUnnammedRevoked = "Unnamed (Revoked) "; this.CloudEntitlementCertificateHelpLink = "EntitlementCloudCertificate.htm"; this.manageCloudIdentitiesHelpLink = "ManageIdentities.htm"; this.downloadV2CFileLimit = "Downloading more than 1000 V2C files is not supported"; this.productSelected = "product selected."; this.noProductSelected = "No product selected."; this.featureSelected = "features selected."; this.nofeatureSelected = "No features selected."; this.productKey = "Product Key"; this.hlKey = "HL Key"; this.keyUpdate = "Key Update"; this.nammed = "Named"; this.unnammed = "Unnamed"; this.buttonEntitlementDeploy = "Deploy"; this.buttonEntitlementProduce = "Produce"; this.pleaseSelectAtleastPC = "Please select at least one Provisioning Container to proceed."; this.configureLMToolTip = "Click to configure License Term for this feature."; this.modifyLMToolTip = "Click this link to modify License Terms for this feature; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Modify button above."; this.overwriteLMToolTip = "Click this link to overwrite License Terms for this feature; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Overwrite button above."; this.leaveLMToolTip = "Click this link to leave License Terms for this feature as is; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Leave button above."; this.cancelLMToolTip = "Click this link to cancel this feature; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Cancel button above."; this.removeFeatureFromProduct = "Click to remove this feature."; this.customerNameRequired = "Customer name cannot be blank."; this.selectPCID = "Please select one PCID. "; this.keyDetails = "Key Details"; this.pcKeyDetails = "Provisioning Container Details"; this.fingerprintRequired ="Fingerprint value cannot be blank."; this.fingerprintSelect = "Select at least one fingerprint to delete."; this.friendlyNameRequired = "Fingerprint Friendly Name cannot be left blank."; this.viewFingerprints = "View Fingerprints"; this.viewactiveMachines = "View Active Stations"; this.invalidC2Vfiles = "Following files are not c2v files:"; this.invalidC2VfileSize = "Following files are too large to upload:"; this.invalidFPC2Vfiles = "Selected file is not valid c2v file"; this.unableToLoadFile = "Failed to load file"; } function RevocationMessages() { this.previousRevocations = "Previous Revocations"; this.pleaseEnterLicenseString = "Enter the license string."; this.pleaserEnterAID = "Provide an AID."; this.pleaseSelectLicenseFile = "Select the license file."; this.pleaseSelectRevocationFile = "Please upload revocation proof."; this.Uploadcorrectrevocationproof = "Upload correct revocation proof."; this.pleaseEnterRevocationOutput = "Please enter revocation output"; this.viewPreviousRevocations = "View Previous Revocations"; this.revocationProofPending = "The revocation receipt is pending."; this.revocationProofReceived = "Successfully received the revocation receipt."; this.revocationProofReceivedRecredit = "Successfully received the revocation receipt. However, the revocation re-credit is pending."; this.reCreditDone = "Successfully re-credited."; this.revocationRejected = "The revocation request is rejected."; this.fileNotFound = "The file is not found."; this.invalidFilePath = "The file path is not valid."; this.createRevocationTicket = "Create Revocation Ticket"; this.createRevocationRequest = "Create Revocation Request"; this.revocationDeleted = "Revocations deleted."; this.unableToDelete = "Encountered an internal error. Failed to delete."; this.atleastOneRevocation = "Select at least one revocation to delete."; this.confirmMarkRevoked="Are you sure you want to mark it revoked."; this.uploadRevocationTicket = "Upload Revocation Receipt"; this.confirmRevocation = "Confirm Revocation"; this.deleteRevocation = "Delete Revocation"; this.areYouSureYouWantToDelete = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"; } function TemplateMessages() { this.saveTempAttribError = "An error occurred while adding the template attribute."; this.deleteTempAttribError = "An error occurred while deleting the template attribute."; this.saveEntityTempAttribError = "An error occurred while saving the template."; this.True = "True"; this.False = "False"; this.errorDescriptionLength = "The description must not exceed 510 characters."; this.attributeFor = "Attribute List For"; this.invalidDate="Specify a valid date."; this.deleteStr = "Delete"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.product = "Product"; this.suite = "Product Suite"; this.customer = "Customer"; = "Contact"; this.Distributor = "Channel Partner"; this.showAttributes = "Custom Attributes"; this.CustomAttributesFor = "Custom attributes for"; this.customAttributesHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; } function CustomerMessages() { this.deletePartnerUserConfirm="Do you want to delete channel partner user(s)?"; this.addContactError="An error occurred while adding the contact."; this.billingAddrLengthError="The billing address must not exceed 510 characters."; this.shippingAddrLengthError="The shipping address must not exceed 510 characters."; this.passwordMinLengthError="The password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.passwordMaxLenghtError="The password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.confPwdMinLengthError="The confirm password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.confPwdMaxLengthError="The confirm password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.passwordMatchError="The confirm password must be same as password."; this.addCustomerError= "An error occurred while adding the customer."; this.selectToDeleteCustomer="Select at least one customer to delete."; this.selectToDeleteContact="Select at least one contact to delete."; this.contactDel="Contact deleted."; this.requiredUserId="The user ID cannot be blank."; this.distributorNameRequired="Channel partner name cannot be blank."; this.updateContactError="An error occurred while updating the contact information."; this.addbillError="An error occurred while adding the billing address."; this.addbillInfoError="An error occurred while adding the billing information."; this.addshipInfoError="An error occurred while adding the shipping information."; this.invalidEmail="Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.deleteCstrConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Customer?"; this.deleteContactConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Contact?"; this.enable = "Enabled"; this.disable = "Disabled"; this.unknown = "Unknown"; this.customerName = "Customer Name"; this.customerCRM = "CRM ID"; this.customerRefId = "Ref ID"; this.emailId = "E-mail"; this.contactName = "Contact Name"; this.createNewCustomer = "Create Customer"; this.createNewContact = "Create Contact"; this.editCustomer = "Edit Customer"; this.editContact = "Edit Contact"; this.addCustomerHelpLink = "CreateCustomer.htm"; this.editCustomerHelpLink = "EditCust.htm"; this.addChannelPartnerHelpLink = "CreateCP.htm"; this.editChannelPartnerHelpLink = "EditChanPart.htm"; this.manageChannelPartnerHelpLink = "ManageCP.htm"; this.manageCustomerHelpLink = "ManageCust.htm"; this.addContactHelpLink = "CreateContCust.htm"; this.addPartnerContactHelpLink = "CreateContCP.htm"; this.editContactHelpLink = "CreateContCust.htm"; this.editPartnerContactHelpLink = "CreateContCP.htm"; this.selectOneCustomerContact="Select one Contact."; this.createNewChannelPartner = "Create Channel Partner"; this.editChannelPartner = "Edit Channel Partner"; this.searchChannelPartner = "Search Channel Partner"; this.searchCustomer = "Search Customers"; this.requiredCustomerName = "Specify a valid company name."; this.requiredFirstName = "The first name cannot be blank."; this.requiredLastName = "The last name cannot be blank."; this.invalidEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.requiredEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.notValidValue= "The value entered is not valid."; this.deleteCPHeader= "Delete Channel Partner"; this.deleteCustHdr= "Delete Customer"; this.deleteCPartnerConfirm= "Do you want to delete this Channel Partner?"; this.InvalidMemoryId="Invalid memory address ID"; this.invalidUserNameOrPassword="Incorrect user name or password provided."; this.enabledContact="This Contact is enabled."; this.disabledContact="This Contact is disabled."; this.defaultContact="This Contact is set as default."; this.regContactError="An error occurred while registering contact."; this.customer = "Customer"; } function NamespaceMessages() { this.invalidNameRoot = "The name 'root'; is not valid."; this.errorSavingNamespace ="An error occurred while adding the product group."; this.notUniqueNamespace = "The product group specified already exists. Try again with a different name."; this.errorValidatingUniqueness = "An internal error occurred while validating a unique product group name."; this.errorDefaultException = "An internal error occurred. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.selectOneNamespaceForDelete = "Select at least one product group to delete."; this.unableToDelete = "Encountered an internal error. Failed to delete."; this.errorNamespaceDescLength = "The description must not exceed 510 characters."; this.addNamespaceHelpLink = "CreaterProdGrp.htm"; this.editNamespaceHelpLink = "EditProductGrp.htm"; this.DeleteNamespace = "Delete selected Product Group?"; this.DeleteNamespaceHeader = "Delete Product Group"; this.createNamespace = "Create Product Group"; this.editNamespace = "Edit Product Group"; this.invalidNamespace = "The Product Group provided is not valid."; this.requiredNamespaceName = "The product group name cannot be blank."; this.deployed = "Deployed"; this.notDeployed="Not Deployed"; this.Obsolete="Obsolete"; } function FeatureMessages() { this.selectDefaultLicenseModel = "Select a default license model."; this.selectLicenseModel = "Select at least one license model."; this.selectFeatureToDelete = "Select at least one feature to delete."; this.featureAlreadyExists = "The feature name already exists."; this.deleteFtrConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Feature?"; this.selectLicenseModel = "Select License Model"; this.draft = "Draft"; this.complete = "Complete"; this.EndOfLife = "End of Life"; this.addFeatureHelpLink = "CreateFeature.htm"; this.editFeatureHelpLink = "EditFeatures.htm"; this.noNamespace = "Product Group is not available. Please create a Product Group."; this.version = "version"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.featureId = "Feature ID"; this.namespace = "Product Group"; this.product = "Product"; this.suite = "suite short"; this.customer = "Customer"; = "Contact"; this.entitlement = "Entitlement"; this.batch = "Batch"; this.channelpartner = "Channel Partner"; this.FtrIdentifierRequired = "Please enter valid Feature ID between 1 and 65471."; this.featureIdAvailable = "Feature ID is available."; this.featureIdNotAvailable = "Feature ID is not available."; this.DeleteFeatureHeader = "Delete Feature"; this.DeleteFeature = "Delete selected feature?"; this.deployed = "Deployed"; this.createFeature = "+ Add Features"; this.editFeature = "Edit Feature"; this.requiredFeatureName = "The feature name cannot be blank."; this.ftrIdentifierRequired = "Please enter valid Feature ID between 1 and 65471."; this.requiredVersion = "Version cannot be blank."; this.confirmRename = "The feature is in use. Do you want to rename it anyway?"; this.errorDescriptionFeatureLength = "The description cannot exceed 1,024 characters."; this.createNewFeature = "Create Feature"; } function SuiteMessages() { this.noProductAvailable = "No product is available."; this.suiteNameMinLength = "The product suite name must be at least 3 characters long."; this.atleastOneSuite = "Select at least one product suite to proceed."; this.completedSuite = "A suite in complete stage must have at least one product associated."; this.suiteNameExists = "The product suite name already exists."; this.selectProduct = "Select Product"; this.draft = "Draft"; this.complete = "Complete"; this.EndOfLife = "End of Life"; this.DefineUpgradeUpsellProductLabel = "New Relation"; this.View="View"; this.Copy="Copy"; this.copySuite="Copy Product Suite"; this.editSuite="Edit Product Suite"; this.deleteSuiteConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Suite?"; } function ProductMessages() { this.noFeatureAvailable = "No feature is available."; this.productAlreadyExists = "The product name already exists."; this.atleastOneSuite = "Select at least one product suite to proceed."; this.completedProduct = "A product in complete stage must have at least one feature associated."; this.noFeatureSetAvailable = "No feature set is available."; this.productStatusChanged = "The product status is changed."; this.unableToChangeState = "Unable to change the state."; this.deleteProdConfirmMsg = "Delete selected product and all its derived Products?"; this.deleteCloudProdConfirmMsg = "Delete selected product?"; this.DeleteProductHeader = "Delete Product"; this.selectProductToDelete = "Select at least one product to delete."; this.selectFeature = "Product Feature"; this.draft = "Draft"; this.complete = "Complete"; this.EndOfLife = "End of Life"; this.featureOn="On"; this.featureAlwaysOn="Always On"; this.featureOff="Off"; this.DefineUpgradeUpsellProductLabel="New Relation"; this.View="View"; this.Copy="Copy"; this.EOL="EOL"; this.manageProductHelpLink = "ManageProds.htm"; this.addProductHelpLink = "CreateProduct.htm"; this.addCloudProductHelpLink = "CreateProductCloud.htm"; this.editCloudProductHelpLink = "EditProduct.htm"; this.editProductHelpLink = "EditProduct.htm"; this.productIdAvailable = "Product ID is available."; this.productIdNotAvailable = "Product ID is not available."; this.selectatleast1Feature = "Select at least one Feature."; this.noVariantsFound = "No variants found"; this.noNamespace = "Product Group is not available. Please create a Product Group."; this.saveAsDraft = "Save Draft"; = "Save"; this.requiredProductName = "The product name cannot be blank."; this.requiredProductVersion = "Version cannot be blank."; this.requiredVersion = "Version cannot be blank."; this.productIdentifierRequired = "Please enter valid product ID between 2 and 65471."; this.addProvProductHelpLink = "DefProvProd.htm"; this.addModProductHelpLink = "DefModProd.htm"; this.addCanProductHelpLink = "DefProdCanc.htm"; this.copyProductHelpLink = "CopyProd.htm"; this.SPETLabel = "Specify at entitlement time"; this.configureLMHelpLink = "DefLicTerm.htm"; this.configureLicenseModel = "Configure License Terms"; this.licenseTerms = "License Terms"; this.createProvisionalProduct="Create Provisional Product"; this.createCancellationProduct="Create Cancellation Product"; this.addProduct="+ New Product"; this.addLDKProduct="New On-premise Product"; this.addCLOUDProduct="New Cloud Product"; this.editLDKProduct="Edit On-premise Product"; this.editCLOUDProduct="Edit Cloud Product"; this.createModificationProduct="Create Modification Product"; this.editProduct="Edit Product"; this.copyProduct="Copy Product"; this.unlicensed="Unlicensed (cancel license)"; this.leaveAsItIs="Leave as it is"; this.productId="Product ID"; this.baseProductName="Base Product"; this.confirmRename ="The product is in use. Do you want to rename it anyway?"; this.HASP_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel LDK"; this.CLOUD_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel Cloud"; this.dateTimeNotSync = "Provide both date and time or leave both fields blank."; this.copyLDKProduct= "Copy On-premise Product"; this.copyCLOUDProduct = "Copy Cloud Product"; this.copyCLOUDProductHelpLink = "CopyProdCloud.htm"; this.configureCloudLMHelpLink = "DefLicTermCloud.htm"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.refId2 ="Ref ID 2"; this.description ="Description"; this.configure = "Configure"; this.modify = "Modify"; this.leave = "Leave"; this.overwrite = "Overwrite"; this.cancel = "Cancel"; this.View = "View"; this.featureList = "Features List"; = "ID"; this.onPremise = "On-premise"; this.typeBase = "Base"; this.cloudEnforcement = "Cloud"; } function ReportsMessages() { this.pleaseSelectAtleastOneDate = "Specify at least one date to proceed."; this.endDateValidation = "The end date must be ahead of the start date."; this.pleaseSelectEndDate = "Specify a valid end date."; this.ValidEndDate= "The end date must be ahead of the start date."; } function LicenseManagement() { this.LicenseModelMaxLen = "The license model name can contain up to 255 characters."; } function BatchEntitlement() { this.pending = "Pending"; this.success = "Success"; this.inProgress = "In-progress"; this.failed = "Failed"; this.saveBatchEntitlementError= "An error occurred while saving the batch details."; this.pleaseSelectBatchToDelete= "Select at least one batch to delete."; this.unableToDeleteBatch= "Unable to delete the batch entitlement."; this.BatchProductAlreadyExist = "This product is already a part of the batch entitlement."; this.BatchSuiteAlreadyExist = "This suite is already a part of the batch entitlement."; this.BatchSuccess="Batch created successfully"; this.notificationEmail="Notification E-mail Address"; this.commitConfirm = "Are you sure?"; this.commitHeader = "Commit Batch"; this.noOfEntitlements = "Number of Entitlements"; this.deleteHeader = "Delete Batch Entitlement"; } function EMSConstants() { this.standalone = "1"; = "2"; this.maxHTMLPageSize= "100"; this.revocationPending = "1"; this.revocationComplete = "2"; this.revocationConfirm = "3"; this.revocationRejected = "4"; this.RMS_VERSION_12 = "8.3.0"; } function EntitlementConstants() { this.revokeUsingAID = "1"; this.revokeUsingLicenseFile = "3"; this.revokeUsingLicenseString = "2"; this.uploadRevokeOutputUsingString = "1"; this.uploadRevokeOutputUsingFile = "2"; this.lineItemActivate = "1"; this.lineItemPrevAct = "2"; this.lineItemRevoke = "3"; this.lineItemPrevRevoke = "4"; this.ACT_ACTIVATED = "2"; this.ACT_REVOKED_PARTIALLY = "4"; this.ACT_DRAFT = "1"; this.ENT_DISABLED = "9"; this.ENT_COMPLETE = "2"; this.ENT_DRAFT = "1"; this.updateUsingAID = "1"; this.updateUsingLicenseFile = "3"; this.updateUsingLicenseString = "2"; } function LockingAttributes() { this.PRIMARY_1_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 1 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_2_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 2 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_3_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 3 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_4_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 4 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_5_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 5 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_6_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 6 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_7_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 7 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_8_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 8 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_9_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 9 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_10_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 10 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_11_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 11 criteria"; this.CLIENT_1_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 1 criteria"; this.CLIENT_2_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 2 criteria"; this.CLIENT_3_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 3 criteria"; this.CLIENT_4_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 4 criteria"; this.CLIENT_5_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 5 criteria"; this.CLIENT_6_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 6 criteria"; this.CLIENT_7_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 7 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_1_CRITERIA_CLIENT_1_CRITERIA = "Primary 1 criteria/Client 1 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_2_CRITERIA_CLIENT_2_CRITERIA = "Primary 2 criteria/Client 2 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_3_CRITERIA_CLIENT_3_CRITERIA = "Primary 3 criteria/Client 3 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_4_CRITERIA_CLIENT_4_CRITERIA = "Primary 4 criteria/Client 4 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_5_CRITERIA_CLIENT_5_CRITERIA = "Primary 5 criteria/Client 5 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_6_CRITERIA_CLIENT_6_CRITERIA = "Primary 6 criteria/Client 6 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_7_CRITERIA_CLIENT_7_CRITERIA = "Primary 7 criteria/Client 7 criteria"; this.USERNODE_1_CRITERIA="Usernode 1 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_2_CRITERIA="Usernode 2 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_3_CRITERIA="Usernode 3 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_4_CRITERIA="Usernode 4 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_5_CRITERIA="Usernode 5 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_6_CRITERIA="Usernode 6 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_7_CRITERIA="Usernode 7 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_1_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 1 criteria"; this.USERNODE_2_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 2 criteria"; this.USERNODE_3_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 3 criteria"; this.USERNODE_4_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 4 criteria"; this.USERNODE_5_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 5 criteria"; this.USERNODE_6_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 6 criteria"; this.USERNODE_7_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 7 criteria"; } function DistributorMessages() { this.partnerName = "Channel Partner Name"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.refId2 ="Ref ID 2"; this.deletePartnerConfirm="Do you want to delete this Channel Partner?"; this.channelPartners="Channel Partners"; this.deletePartnerUserConfirm="Do you want to delete channel partner user(s)?"; this.selectAtleastOnePartnerUser="Select at least one channel partner user to delete."; this.selectOneChPartnerUser="Select one channel partner user to edit."; this.DistributorNameRequired="Channel partner name cannot be blank."; } function jsloginMessages() { this.noPermissions="You have no permission on any module, please contact administrator."; this.userName="Enter your user name."; } function scheduleReportsMessages(){ this.SRDay="Day"; this.SRWeek="Week"; this.SRMonth="Month"; this.SRQuarter="Quarter"; this.SRYear="Year"; this.srInvalidValue="The value entered is not valid."; this.standalone2="STANDALONE"; this.network2="NETWORK"; this.pdf="PDF"; this.excel="Excel"; this.rtf="RTF"; this.html="HTML"; this.csv="CSV"; this.SRActive="Active"; this.SRSuspended="Suspended"; this.SRNotReady="Not Ready"; this.srStatus="Status"; this.srReport="Report"; this.srFrequency="Frequency"; this.srUser="User"; this.srEmail="E-mail"; this.srError="Error occurred"; this.srLastRun="Last Run:"; this.srGenerationDate="Generation Date"; this.scheduledReports="Scheduled Reports";"Download"; this.srRecipientsUsersTooltip="This user is not associated with your Batch Code."; this.cannotEnableScheduledReport="You cannot activate the Scheduled Report, since the associated Custom Report is disabled. Enable the Custom Report first."; } function jsLibInterfaceMessages(){ this.retrievingData="An error occurred while retrieving the data for popup"; this.Invaliddataentered="Invalid data entered, please check for special characters in form fields"; this.Invalidmethodtype="Invalid method type, only GET or POST value is allowed"; this.notANumber="Provide an integer greater than 0."; this.blank="This field cannot be left blank."; this.invalidEmail="This is not a valid Email."; this.invalidHexa="Given value is not a valid hexadecimal number"; this.notInRange="Entered value should be in range"; this.notADate="Enter a valid date."; this.Invalidconstraint="Invalid constraint value for"; this.field="field"; this.Timeout="Timeout,Failed to load the modules"; this.errorLoadingFile="Error while loading file"; } function CustomReportsMessages() { this.selectOneCustomReport="Select one Custom Report."; this.unableToDelete = "Encountered an internal error. Failed to delete."; this.creationIsNotAvailableForCustomReport = "Custom reports cannot be used. Either the Master key is not connected or the required license for this feature does not exist on the Master key."; this.createNewCustomReport = "Create Custom Report"; this.editCustomReport = "Edit Custom Report"; this.editingIsNotAvailableForCustomReport = "You cannot edit the Custom Report, since a Scheduled Report exists for this Custom Report."; this.deletingIsNotAvailableForCustomReport = "You cannot delete the Custom Report, since a Scheduled Report exists for this Custom Report."; }